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Could your 2024 revenues use a pick-me-up? Looking to get ahead of the next big tech innovation? We’ve got you covered. Get ready for what's next with!

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Get Ready for What's Next with®

Could your 2024 revenues use a pick-me-up? Looking to get ahead of the next big tech innovation? We’ve got you covered.

Digitech Systems announced the availability of today. Built in a microservices architecture and offering microtransactions-based billing, brings the flexibility and straight-forward pricing today’s technology customers demand. This market-expanding product gives you the chance to meet the needs of even more potential customers—today and well into the future.

Keep reading to find out more about, its innovative architecture, and the sales and marketing tools at your fingertips to help you sell more. is Available offers core document management capabilities in an easy-to-setup, easy-to use interface that includes task automation and streamlines billing for a better match between what your customers use and what they pay for. includes the following capabilities:

  • Numerous features can be turned off as needed to save money.
  • One account can access multiple organizations making it easier not only to securely share information within a company but also with business partners.
  • dynamically scales so document processes can be completed on even the tightest timeframe.
  • Users can import scanned documents from PaperVision® Capture and PaperFlowTM so all of a company’s information is in one secure system.
  • User and group-based security settings control access to files and limit what individual users can do with that information.
  • The industry-leading security you expect from Digitech Systems includes activity logs, audit trails, encryption, multi-factor authentication, and more to give you and your customers peace of mind.

View the Product Sheet to learn more.

Customizable Features is designed to help organizations flexibly meet changing needs in today’s dynamic business environment. Not only can you customize its capabilities by turning features on and off to match evolving business needs, but also dynamically scales to process even the biggest jobs as quickly as you want.

Pricing Flexibility

Did you know as much as 80% of the features in the average software product are rarely or never used?1 Yet traditional technology billing forces all users into the same license fees or cloud services tiers. revolutionizes the way companies buy technology using a microservices architecture that allows features to be turned off when not needed to save money. In addition, microtransactions-based billing on select services exactly matches the cost to how much the capability is used. Do not downplay market demand for consumption-based purchasing! IDC estimates that at least 60% of B2B technology buyers already expect to be able to purchase technology this way.2

2. IDC (2021). The Future of Digital Infrastructure: Best Practices: Maximizing the Business Value of Consumption-as-a-Service.

Become a Reseller

Just as we did with cloud and AI, Digitech Systems is once again leading our industry into this massive technology shift, and we want you to benefit by getting ahead of the curve! This new product offering comes with the chance to expand your revenue now and going forward while deepening your relationship with Digitech Systems. does require a new agreement, so reach out to your salesperson to learn more about representing to the market.

Our Vice President of Communications Strategy and Marketing, Christina Robbins, has been speaking with the media for the last couple of years about the market opportunity microservices represents for VARs like you. Check out the following press release, article and interview highlights to learn more:

Get the Word Out to Your Customers hits the marketplace at the ideal time for you. Businesses are digging for new ways to cut costs while automating tasks wherever they can. Business owners will be thrilled with the customizable feature set that enables users to effectively and securely expand digital transformation efforts and to dynamically respond to changing needs. CFOs will love, because its unique billing structure lets them exactly match technology costs to technology needs for the first time.

  • Once again, our Marketing team has been hard at work to provide you with resources and materials to help you enhance your sales and marketing efforts for Check out the list below to understand some of what you can already access and use.
  • Start with the website to better understand how to effectively message the unique benefits this product provides to your prospects and customers.
  • We know you love our product sheets. Check out the product sheet for more information about how the technology works and the goals it can help your prospects achieve.
  • Watch the video to see a demo of the new intelligent information management platform.
  • Download the Buyer’s Checklist for a list of critical features your customers should consider when choosing an information management system.
  • Read the Hints for a Successful Digital Transformation ebook for a guide to help your customers with their own digital transformation journey.
  • Check out the Quick Start Guide to learn how to get your Organization setup in in just 5 minutes.
  • Teach buyers about the importance of microservices and microtransactions-based billing to “future proof” their technology purchases.
  • Repurpose our existing microservices content in your own sales and marketing efforts, including a: definitions page, ebook, explainer video, and more.
Get Your Copy Today!

We encourage you to review the website, and Ask Questions! In fact, it’s one of our Goals and Values. Please reach out to your sales contact or technical support with any inquiries or clarifications we can provide. They are happy to set you up with a demo, so you can start learning more about this market-changing product and the incredible market-expanding opportunity today!

Digitech Systems Sales and Marketing