How Might a Dealer Access License Help You?

Learn about the new Dealer Access License that simplifies the process for dealers to access customers’ PaperVision®.com accounts and configurations.

How Might a Dealer Access License Help You?main image

We’re shaking up PaperVision®.com licensing…and we think you’ll like it! Beginning September 1, 2023, a new type of license became available for dealers. This special User License with a Dealer Access License simplifies the process of accessing a setup for dealers who also provide that business with ongoing services. You no longer need to occupy a user’s access while providing service. Keep reading to learn more.

What is a User License with a Dealer Access License (DAL)?

Especially for resellers who’ve sold ImageSilo® (where additional users do not add cost), we know many of you want access to the accounts of customers who are using your other services. We most often hear that you want to be able to verify when you upload scanned documents to their accounts or to make configuration adjustments to things like workflows over time. If this sounds like your business, a DAL is perfect for you!

Introducing the Dealer Access License for dealers. This special pricing gives one user access to their account and one DAL so you can access their setup as well—all for one low monthly price.

For example, if your new customer needs access for 5 users and you want access to their account as well, you would purchase 4 typical user seats and one DAL (giving you and one user each one license) to meet all their needs. Or, if your customer needs only one seat, but you also want access, buy one Dealer Access License to meet both your needs.

How Does a DAL Work?

DALs provide one access license for a user and one dealer access license, both to the same account, but a few rules do apply. Please note the following:

  • Each DAL access may be used for only one customer’s account.
  • Dealer access may not be resold or repurposed as additional user licenses.
  • DALs are sold at a per month price, paid annually (just like user seats).

How Much Does a DAL Cost?

Right now, we’re offering special introductory pricing on DALs as well as discounts on per-seat pricing and concurrent licenses for new users. Discounted pricing for new seats of Professional Edition and Enterprise Edition sold between September 1 and December 31, 2023—including DAL seats—is listed below. (Contact us for more information on concurrent license discounts.) Check it out!

Promo sales tables

Don’t miss this chance to add more users! Get all the details on the A Perfect Time for PaperVision! promotional flyer on MyDSI.

If you’re still confused about how expands your market opportunities, please reach out to your salesperson. They’ll walk you through the advantages of offering per-seat, feature-based pricing for information management in the cloud. Now is a great time to get started while discounted user pricing and our new Dealer Access License are available.

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