System of Record Information Lifecycle infographic

Check out this diagram -- and share it with your customers -- to see the stages of an efficient and adaptable information lifecycle. It is an easy-to-use guide on the ECM stages from collect-and-capture to retain-and-destroy.

System of Record Information Lifecycle infographicmain image

A SoR is your single source for enterprise content management (ECM), and the foundation of any information lifecycle management (ILM). This diagram shows the stages of an efficient and adaptable information lifecycle, and is an easy-to-use guide through the ECM stages from collect and capture to retain and destroy. With a SoR, your company will:

  • Manage documents to reflect an organized, collaborative culture
  • Empower automation throughout business processes,
  • Securely maintain data integrity across all line of business (LOB) applications
  • Save money

Do you know how your critical information moves through your company? Is it secure and efficient? To learn more about specific benefits and features of a SoR information lifecycle, check out this helpful diagram!

SoR Lifecycle Infographic

How would I use this?
  • Post to your company website
  • Attach in an email to follow up with a prospective client
  • Print and distribute in sales appointments
  • Distribute at a tradeshow
  • Attach to a tweet or other social post