What is a Vital Record? article

Give your prospects a better understanding of how an effective content management system is key to proper handling of vital records. Add this infographic to your website, emails and social posts. Distribute at tradeshows.

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Vital records are critical to business operations. Knowing where vital records are is critical for organizations in case disaster were to strike. Historically, organizations have relied on a “keep everything” mentality when it comes to their critical business information out of fear that they may lose or need that information one day. This data hoarding mentality makes it difficult for organizations to effectively manage vital business records, which leads to information chaos. Can your organization confidently claim that your vital business records are in a consistent system? If not, it may be time to update your information management system. The most effective way for organizations to securely store, access, and retain vital records is with a System of Record (SoR).

A SoR includes information management policies and systems that securely store critical data, manage the document lifecycle, and empower business process automation. A SoR helps organizations manage the chaotic struggle with big data by serving as a primary source for managing vital records, and as the foundation of managing the entire document lifecycle. With this infographic, you will learn:

  • What a vital record is.
  • How a SoR helps organizations efficiently manage vital records.
  • What vital records you should and should not be keeping in your SoR.

Download this helpful infographic to learn more about using a SoR to manage your vital records.

What is a Vital Record Infographic
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